
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I so wish I was already older & married so I could adopt this precious little girl. I wish my older sister & brother-in-law would bring her home or another friend. Oh I know several friends that would bring her home in a heartbeat if they could but thus they can't for this reason or that reason. I would love to meet & snuggle with her showing how much I am doing for her right now to find a home! Just looked at her birth date on her profile & although it does not say a date it says the year 2005 of this month which means she has either turned 5 or will in the coming days so she is facing the institution or has already been transfered! Please pray that she can still be adopted from the institution & that a forever family will commit to her soon! Please spread the word about my blog, fundraiser contest, & her button at the right side by posting on your blog, fb, twitter, etc.! Its not only national down syndrome month but her birthday month as well so please help me find her a family!