
Monday, October 18, 2010

Time is of the essence!

Yes, time is of the essence for this little girl! She as AT RISK of facing the institution soon or she may already be there! Please consider donating to her grant, every little bit helps her find a family that may not be able to afford her adoption otherwise so please spread the word about celine & my fundraisers! I may be offering a special gift basket for the "who has the best smile contest?" as my friend & I have conspired ideas but we will see. I have an etsy & will be putting more items up hopefully soon so if interested in that go to
Christmas will be here before you know it & I am helping celine during the holidays as well as being a christmas warrior for Quinton (little ones-2) so shop for gifts for friends, family,etc. If I raise over $1000 for each of their grants I will donate to one of the commited RR families (or who knows maybe more!). Post her button, blog about celine, email friends & family, spread the word on fb, whatever possible so that this girl has a family by next christmas or before then! If you can't help with her grant fund than pray she has a family soon!


  1. I am so excited that you are Quinton's Christmas Warrior. I have his picture on my blog, I had a button made for him to help find his family ( you should grab the button for your blog). He has been on my heart, I really hope he finds a family, as well as little Celine, she is adorable.

  2. I have his button on my other blog but will put it on here as well since more people read this one so far. I have read your blog & see that your adopting from the orphange that quinton is from. I followed the sanchez blog who adopted sofia from (2) as well. I just saw her at our buddy walk sunday & boy she sure is a cutie! Your little one is a cutie too!
