
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best Christmas gifts!

Proudly went to the mailbox today with my 6 envelopes, stopped & prayed for the kiddos we were donating to & for the money to arrive safely and on time. One of my Brothers picked Timothy S. since he has a friend with that name currently "adopted" in living at our house so he thought it might bring him luck lol. My younger sister decided on Andrey S. since when i explained the reason a boy was wearing pink was that they don't care about gender neutral stuff since sometimes thats all they have for them to wear. I picked out Carmen for my sister (with DS) & I. She smiled when i showed her the picture & said she was cute. I picked out Celine on behalf of my brother since he went out with my dad & we wanted to make sure they got there before the new year. For my grandma, I chose Cora Lynne since I did not too well with my fundraising efforts for her as she is my christmas warrior.


  1. Hi Leah,
    You are the 21st prize winner in my fundraiser/drawing for Sergei G. You posted on your blog and on FB, so you got 2 entries into my drawing. Please check out what is left of the knit items and email me your choice along with your mailing address so I can send it out. email at sweetsergei at hotmail dot com Thanks for spreading the word about Sergei! Debby
