
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amazing things to be done!

God has graciously blessed me with the sweet friends I have, & they have caught the "bug"! What kind of "bug" do you say? Not a real bug or a sickness bug but a "bug" for Quinton & what I am doing! Sunday, one of my besties came up to me all excited about already filling her container for Quinton! The joy in her eyes shared it all that she was happy to help her friend (myself) in my mission to help Quinton come home. Yesterday, i happily brought a heart container for a friend who could not make it to my party & low and behold my small group leader asks about what i am doing. This friend then lets me explain to the group what I am doing, well then the one i brought for the friend gets passed around & change got put in the container. All these ladies, some in various "stages" as we will put it as, decided to help in what a little but "big" thing they could do. I am so thankful for all my friends & that they are helping me to do mighty things! Thank you God for allowing me the blessing of these ladies, & for using me to help others! Quintons mom, know that mighty things are happening here & still more to come! This little boys life will certainly be blessed, please help bring him home!


  1. Leah, I don't know what to say! Please pass my sincere thanks on to your friends and family. We are so grateful :) Our homestudy came in the mail yesterday. I am hoping we can submit our i-600 tomorrow! Keep praying. He will be home soon!
