
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Only 483 pieces left! we can make this happen!

Hooray we now have 17 pieces filled with names! I want to thank each & every person who has donated or is going to! Quinton, You are Dearly loved by so Many family & friends! I hope this puzzle will be reminder of what Love can do to bring you home! I never could have imagined I would find Reeces Rainbow, find out about the plight of orphans with various special needs overseas, signup to be a warrior for you, you find a family the day the angel tree started,that we would share a common birthday, & that now after emailing back & forth with your mommy that I would feel so connected to you. Another dear friend who has caught the love for Quinton bug posted on my fb that she wishes she could meet you someday after your in the arms of your family. She has donated towards you coming home. She thinks we should both go together, maybe someday my dream will become a reality. I truely Pray that God would make that Happen. This friend also was so excited that she shared all about you & what I am doing with my knitting teacher who is like a grandma to me & then she gives me $10 for your grant. God is doing so many things through my friends for you. If we sell all the remaining pieces thats $2,415 for Quinton to come home!

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