
Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Its World Down Syndrome Day-March 21st (Chromosome 21)
I have been so blessed with my sister who has that extra chromosome! In Honor of her, I proudly will not be eating fast food today & donate that money to Celine & Cora Lynnes grant funds! Will you give up a soda, fastfood, starbucks, something else to save a life of 2 orphans in need of a forever family? 20+ yrs ago our country thought people with Down Syndrome should be locked away in institutions & not be mainstreamed in school classes, thankfully our country has improved alot but sadly Eastern Europe has not caught on to what we in america have. Please pray for these kiddos & that someday there will be no need to put them away in orphanages & institutions. These kids have been BLESSED TO BE BORN so lets fight all we can for them in prayer, advocating, & donating.

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