
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reminder fundraiser starts tomorrow!

Wanted to send out a reminder that the fundraiser starts tomorrow & ends March 27th. Also you may have noticed the donate boxes gone, I have been asked to take them down for now as they have been having overwhelming amounts of people coming to the website donating through those. It is good news for Reeces Rainbow but for now I will direct you to donate on Celine or Cora Lynnes Reeces Rainbow pages which is the same as those boxes.
Thanks, Leah
PS the Change campaign for the Miller family has gone great thus far & have only 4 containers left to get back. If you still want to donate directly to the Millers please also go to their Reeces Rainbow page. If you donate $5 or more to the Millers grant fund please place a comment & I will make sure your name gets placed on the back of a puzzle piece! I have still 483 pieces left to fill! Please consider being apart of this special puzzle for Quinton!


  1. I love those pendants, and both your warrior girls are so precious- I'd love to support! Unfortunately, I am totally skint until next week :( Do you know if Sarah would make an exeption, or should I just go for a good old fashioned donation (which is quite OK too, I just wanted you to know that I'd love to take part in this fundraiser, but am unable to within the time frame)?

  2. Helle, I know she has several planned for different Reeces Rainbow families ahead of time so you could always get a pendant next week & support another family in the process but if you want to specifically support the girls then donate when you can. Thanks so much!
