
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nothings Impossible with God!

Its hard to put into words quite what these kids go through. I am not a super good writer/blogger as I just never know what to say. I know people are reading from all over even though they may not comment on any given day. It encourages me to see that people do care about Celine & Cora Lynne. I will not give up the fight to find them families! Day after day I have seen various miracles that God has provided, Carrington going home, Evan Hook finally being with her forever family, & many more Reeces Rainbow kids finding their forever families! Will you join me in search of Celine & Cora Lynnes forever families?? They are AT RISK of being put in a adult mental institution possibly the rest of their days. I would hate to see any 4 or 5 yr old be put there for the rest of their lives living in a crib or room. PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU to help find their forever families. It would make me so HAPPY for them to find families! All of my personal favorite Reeces Rainbow kids have committed families coming for them, now where are their forever families?? I am praying for the families that God has planned for these girls. Please Lord, as you guide them to these girls show them the courage & strength that you can provide. Protect Celine & Cora Lynne from facing being transferred. Let me be a blessing & help to these girls & their future families through fundraising & prayer. I am starting this challenge early just cause I am ready for both of them to find their forever families! In Honor of Cora Lynnes 5th birthday in May, I will be posting every day, advocating, & possibly fundraising for her birthday starting May 1st. Today I want to start a challenge, I started a facebook group for the girls here!/pages/For-the-love-of-Celine-Cora-Lynne/195132487189928
If your on facebook join the group & spread the word! My current goal is to get 100 likes! I wish I had a prize to giveaway at this time but I do not so if you can please spread the word, it does not cost a thing & it gets them closer to finding families! Facebook is a wonderful way for these kids to find their families! Also currently their are 18 followers on my blog so I challenge you to each invite 10 friends to look at my blog & follow if they would! If you are not following then why not follow lol? Like I said the more people who know about their blog & group the more likely of them finding families! Thanks so much!

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