
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, their was a lovely princess. She was born on a bright sunny day but for her mom it was a gloomy day, for she decided not to keep you. For you see you born with an extra gift, & mommy could not care for you for that extra gift that you were born with. Then they took you to a place where you could be loved & cared for. For 5 yrs you have wondered will Mommy come back for me? You have likely seen other kids being taken out to go on a car ride thinking they might be getting a mommy & daddy, but thus they are being taken to a place that you would not want to live in. Then you have probably seen strangers come into your home, wondering why don't they play with me or pick me up? Those are parents coming to adopt from your home. Your probably thinking when will it be my turn?? When will someone give me a hug? When will I get to go outside this building? You see this Princess has yet to find her family & a happy ending. She is 5 years old & I would hate to see this smile on this little princess disappear.

Think you may be Celines forever family? check out these links to information about adopting her:
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD SO THAT SHE CAN FIND HER FOREVER FAMILY!! Check out the girls new fan page I created on facebook!/pages/For-the-love-of-Celine-Cora-Lynne/195132487189928

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