
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 14

So I just found out I won't be edwins official 5/5/5 warrior but still plan on fundraising for him if I can! Great job at spreading the word! People are hearing about the girls & Reeces Rainbow. Several families have lost their commited child lately due to several reasons, one of which went to be with Jesus. I would Hate for any child to die alone that way. PLEASE HELP SO CORA LYNNE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ONE OF THOSE KIDS!!! I wish the whole world would see how the outside looks don't matter but its the inside that counts. LIFE MATTERS, whether we have an extra chromosome or other special needs. EVERYONE OF THESE KIDS ARE BEAUTIFUL IN THEIR OWN WAY!
My sister dances her heart out, just because she is different on the outside its whats on the inside that matters most & I love her dearly for the way she is. God created us all to be unique & thats the way she is. Shy, who loves to sing, dance(which is amazing!) (will post video soon) & she happens to have that extra chromosome! Yes, it may be hard sometimes with her stuborn ways but I still love her.

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