
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Its the truth

As I type this their are tears in my eyes, why you might ask? Through advocating about kids on Reeces Rainbow, I have come into a wonderful blog land with families stories of adopting through RR & those advocating for Reeces Rainbow. The past few days I have read some of the honest posts & they make me cry in a good way but at the same time sad way.
Julia, just recently adopted through RR & she needs our prayers. She is in the Hospital & will be for 2 weeks at least due to being malnourished.
Heres a sweet one that I will cry out for:

Nathaniel, who has hydrocephaly which could be possibly treated here in the USA but sadly has been denied surgery in his own country. His best chance at survival is to find a family! I would hate to see him die alone. Please consider donating to his grant fund at
See this guy? His family is over there right now & certainly could use prayer!

Lately, I have felt like what else more is their for me to do when I keep getting shot down on my fundraising & what more is there that I can do. Everytime I see these stories I cry as I know what the TRUTH is like for these kids overseas & even though I have never personally seen it I surely believe it. Just look at this page of orphans who have had families coming for them but passed away before they could get to them or never had a chance to find their forever family:
I am on my knees praying for God to bring Cora Lynne & Celine their forever families. Are you their forever families? These faces are why, I fight for these girls. Brady, who has lived in a institution most of his life now has his family there but who will fight for all the others left behind?


  1. Leah,I couldn't agree with you more. But, don't give up! These kids NEED you! Through your posts, I share, and through my posts, I share, and so on, and so on...We have to fight the good fight for them, even if we cry at each and every post or blog, or obituary. I thank God that He is using you to bring LIGHT to this ministry! We can't save every child, but we can rejoice in the ones that are rescued. Please don't forget that. :) HUGS Mrs. Wilson

  2. thanks! Most of these posts keep me going & meeting John David in person truely has changed my perspective. I just pray for the day when their will be no institutions/orphanages & no abortions of these special kiddos. Nearly 90% of recieving the diagnosis of Down Syndrome parents abort. I will keep praying & fighting til the day when people realize they are more alike than different!

  3. Don't stop advocating, praying and seeking His will for these kids. You are doing a great job and the more people talking about RR and these kids the more the word gets out!

  4. You are doing a great job! It is not easy to follow this road, but there will be victories and joys. Don't forget or understimate how incredibly powerful and valuable your prayers are. Keep up your good work. :)


  5. Chiming in to keep you strong.... your tears and prayers MEAN something and are valuable, no matter how much $ you are able to bring in...



  6. thanks ladies for the encouragement!

  7. I love you dearly lil sis. Your compassion and dedication is inspiring. Even though you may not always see the fruits of your labor know that God is using you. Every facebook post, blog entry, donation is a part of the intricate plan that God has set out. We often can't see where God is moving and may never understand what role our pennies and prayers have played in the Master's plan. Rest assured though that without those peices and the roles that you have played His plan would not be complete. Keep your chin up and keep crying out for these kids and rest in the promise that God is in Control. He hears your prayers and he knows the names of each of these precious angels. I love Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." But the versus that follow have been even more powerful in my life 29:12-14 "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. you will seek Me and find me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you declares the Lord and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile." So... Call upon Him, Pray to Him (He is listening) Search for Him and his direction with ALL your heart (you will find Him and He will find you and restore you.)
    Sorry this has turned into a book - I love you with so much of my heart that I feel your pain and ache for the compassion you have been blessed with for the kiddos. Know you are prayed up from my end!

  8. aww thanks becki! thanks so much for your encouragement!

  9. I know exactly how you feel. But if we only make a difference for one child than it will be worth it. We must persevere for the orphans and pray that God will multiply our efforts.
