
Saturday, May 28, 2011

This Journey of advocating! 3 days left!

First of all I want thank each & every one of you for all the encouragement you have left for me on the blog, on facebook or the yahoo group. I have "met" so many through blogs & the yahoo group who have been nothing but kind to me. I have a feeling that when I adopt someday I will have that same love & support poured out to me. Thank you so much for helping me fundraise & raise better awareness for these girls! When I first started back in July 2010 raising awareness for Quinton & Celine, I had no idea where this road would take me but through that I know God meant for me to help these kids. Even if I may not get to meet every family (or advocates!) I have helped or followed, I still feel so happy to have gotten to play a small part in bringing that child home. I am trusting God that he will make a way for me to meet the most inspirational families/women I have followed their blogs & that someday I will get to meet Quinton & the girls but for now I am content that I have 3 local Reeces Rainbow families, 1-Hansina & John David who I met as well as Lydiah who I will meet once home, 2-Jennifer Sanchez, I have met Sofia but not her mom, & 3-Beth Herrington (adopting Olivia) who I will be meeting Friday! Soon, I hope to share how I came upon Reeces Rainbow but for now I want to say THANK YOU TO EVERY FOLLOWER, EVERY SHARER THAT SHARES THE LINKS, EVERY PERSON WHO COMMENTS, EVERY PERSON WHO DONATES TO THESE GIRLS, & SO MANY MORE!!! 3 days left til the end of the birthday challenge! LETS FIND CORA LYNNES FOREVER FAMILY!

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