
Saturday, July 2, 2011


Finally I am back to blogging! Its been a whirl wind summer thus far! I was not sure what exactally the best title for this post was but I hope this will do.
So last weekend at our church they were doing a sermon on the church being the green zone or "base", well my sister Sarah got to be apart of the sermon by dancing on stage. If you want to watch it here it is-
Let me just say their was not a dry eye in the house! I bawled like I never have before just seeing how far she has come! The other reason I cried is I kept picturing Celine & Cora Lynne, that if they had families they could have that same love & joy that not only a family brings but God brings us too. Its really hard to describe the emotions running through your head with that. I am planning on doing a giveaway for Celine in a few months & have had 2 lovely ladies offer to donate prizes. I want for it to be big with lots of prizes so if you want to donate something let me know. It will be called Pink Princess Giveaway in honor of my sister so anything pink, or something for a princess. Trying desperately so hard to raise $5,000 for Celine!

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