
Friday, July 8, 2011

My Mission

Some days I ask why? Why have they not found families yet? Why do they have to sit there waiting? I wonder if I should giveup, but know that without my part in fundraising & advocating more people would not know about their fate & others like them. I know that I should trust in Gods timing but sometimes I doubt & thats something I need inprovement on. I have learned that after doubting a miracle would happen & feeling bummed I did not raise enough money at the various yard sales. Gods timing will be his will alone. I don't think I shared this but the 1st day of the 2nd/3rd weekend we did a yard sale to fundraise for these girls. The 1st day we only made about $30 & I prayed before going to bed I know its not much but I am trusting you to provide for these girls. The following day, we made close to $400! Shows me to learn to trust & the power of prayer works! Oh the most God thing though was that I was looking in our donation jar & somehow I missed an "angel" putting $70 in there! I had even asked my friend if she knew about it & she said no she had not and that it was not from people purchasing things. I had been standing nearby most of the time & only had seen a lady drop change in the jar. I was very shocked to say the least! Also a friend of my friends came by & wrote a $50 check for Reeces Rainbow plus purchased a few things! God is amazing! My mission 1st of all is to trust God with all my heart in everything I do for these kids, 2nd is to NOT GIVE UP EVER, & Finally is to appreciate all my wonderful blog reader friends that I do have even if its only 35 & even if I barely get any comments. I know that everyone has their own lives to live & lots of you have loads of blogs to read so if you read my blog I thank you! Please continue to follow along my journey to find these girls families! I hope to add some more fundraisers for these girls soon so stay tuned! I also plan to host a giveaway for Celine so if you have anything to donate thats princess or pink let me know! Thanks so much!


  1. I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel like I am just talking to myself on my blog. I use to try and have a separate blog for the orphans but found I get more traffic on my family site so I just post stuff there. My can drive didn't go as well as I had planned either but then I went and donated items to a garage sale for a family that is adopting a baby with Down Syndrome here in California. The husband just lost his job because of it. They have made close to $2,000 from their sale in 2 days. But someone called and said they had a bunch of cans they would like to donate and the lady called me and said she would rather I took them for my cause. So I feel blessed for being able to help them and helping the RR children too. So keep up the good work. I am reading, praying and cheering you on :)

  2. thanks Katrina! awesome story that you shared!

  3. I read and I care.... I thinking you are amazing, raising money for these two precious little girls...I know it's hard. It's hard for me to beg people for money and 18 people donate and I have 121 followers.... But God will provide, for Paisley, for Celine, and Cora... Stay strong, and have faith, I believe in you.

  4. thanks Renee! You are too sweet for words. I know how hard it is & the fact that everyone else is also raising the ransom for these kids. I am praying for you & Paisley! Can't wait til I see pictures of you holding her!

  5. I read your blog and I have never left a comment before. I really enjoy your posts. Please know that you have more followers than you think, and you are making a difference for these children! Keep up the good work!

  6. reading and caring as well now i have found you! thankyou so much for taking part in forget-me-not friday and adding my button! i think you are amazing what you do for these children! i too am having to accept Gods timing more! i am doing a sponsored weight loss for Francine and not one person at work would sponsor me! not one!!! i have worked with these people for over 10 years and yet not one was moved to even give a pound! i was gutted and am having a hard time with this!
    any way, you almost got the linkup ok! lol xx
    dont worry, i added your link that you left in my comments to the proper linkup. please please come back next week as well, its lovely having you on board for these angels.
    when you linkup, if you go to the linky tool at the bottom of the post and click on your next. Then just add your posts address (the one you put in the comments) and then it will let you click on a picture as well...its really easy but if you have any problems just let me knw honey! I have also added your 2 beautiful girls faces to the gallery. come back and check it out. if you want to link a second post and give it another try then please feel free to do so! much love honey, and keep doing what you do, your voice is needed by them xxx

  7. I just came over for the first time from Flight Platform Living... I can definitely relate to feeling helpless and like what you're doing is just not enough. Like you said though, God has shown up in some of my lowest moments and reminded me that He is still at work on behalf of these kids. Their futures are in His hands, not ours and our jobs are simply to do what we can and leave the rest in His hands.
    Don't give up. You are declaring to the world that these two unwanted, forgotten little girls matter and that they are worth fighting for. That alone makes a difference.

  8. Keep up your courage!! Advocacy for these kids is a great work. Remember God loves these kids more than we ever could and He is pleased to use our efforts to work great and mighty results -- even if we don't see them right away. Keep up the good work - and may God's blessing attend you and keep your treasures safe till their Mama and Papa find them!!

  9. thanks for the encouragement Pam!
