
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Change drive update

For those just joining or did not know for the months of August & September I launched a change drive event on facebook for Celine. I honestly thought I would raise around the same amount I did when I collected for Quinton back in february but I set a somewhat high goal of $300 & in the end I think it has done more than I ever thought possible! Just myself collecting from friends & family brought in $203.77! Plus when you add the fact that during that time, $210 was raised through the giveaway, & $125 was made at JBF because of all that during 2 months $538.77 has been raised that would not have been there & puts her one step closer to finding a family! Heres just how big of a blessing, one family was excited that they filled this jar up fast. When the Mom of our family friend saw it sitting on their counter asking what it was for then our friend explained the story, in which the mom dropped $5 into the jar. That their is 1 more person who now knows about Reeces Rainbow & Celine just by one person sharing! All it takes is 1 person to share to make a life difference for potentially someones life! It maybe Celine, it may be her future family, you just never know what God could do through YOU.

Please share, blog, etc. about these girls as you just never know! Also share about, blog, donate to the Giveaway so that Celine has the best chance at finding her forever family! Feel free to Like For the Love of Celine & Cora Lynne on facebook too!

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