
Monday, September 19, 2011

Girl Friends

God has provided me with the Greatest gifts in life, Girl Friends. They are their to pick you up when you fall & when you need a shoulder to cry on they are there for you. They have been some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for. Just looking back 6 years ago when we moved here I thought I never would have friends & wow if God could have shown me then what I know now I would have trusted him more. Right now in my life I am thinking about new adventures with possibly writing a book & getting it published about my journey as a sibling and have recently discovered something I believe God wants me to do with my life. I have recieved nothing but support & encouragement from my friends. I love my friends, & have been quite encouraged by my Reeces Rainbow friends that I would have never known had it not been for our move here in CA. So I dedicate this post to all my sweet girlfriends whether I have met you in person (i hope my book will bring opportunity to meet more of you RR friends!) or not know that ALL OF YOU mean a great deal to me! I have learned so much about the adoption world from all my adoptive mom friends & I hope someday I can join that club. Several come to mind, but I want to take this moment to thank all the young adult/teen advocates that are with me til every orphan is home that have encouraged me admist their own efforts. I also want to thank Christina Scott, I know that as soon as you got hooked you would be loving these kids like crazy! You have been so encouraging, & supportive. I hope to Return the favor whether if you adopt or have a child someday I will be there to support you!
Rochelle Wilson, I know I got you hooked for life advocating for these kids. You also have been so encouraging & supportive. You have shared nothing but kindness to me since I met you at the airport right before leaving for Barnabas.
Hansina, Beth, Melissa, & Jennifer-
Thanks for supporting me & being so encouraging to me! I know I have met some of you only a few times but I look forward to getting to know you better.
Molly Auble-Wow, you have also been an encouragement to me even though we have never met you keep speaking out nothing but kindness. Thanks for continuing to support my efforts for Celine!
Carol-You have also been such a great friend, & I am so glad you adopted my buddy Quinton. I hope that soon I can come meet the person who made my 1st dream as a warrior come true & love on that little boy who my heart fell in love with almost a year ago.
If I did not include you, I still thank you for all you do!

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