
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


A girl waits far away, waiting helplessly for a family? Don't you see the smile in her eyes?

Why has she not gotten a family when who could resist that smile? Simple, I looked at her region which could cost at the minimum of $33,000. Thats right you heard correctly, this is what stands in the way for Celine to find a family. Let's do what we can by removing the financial barrier for her forever family! We have raised $100 in the Giveaway can we raise $100 more? I am doing the Just Between Friend Kids consignment sale this weekend & another one in October with any proceeds going to Celine. I love her so much, & I can't be her mommy cause I am too young so Please will you share about the Giveaway today? Remember, the more who know about the Giveaway the better the chance the girls could find a family & possibility of contributers. If you are interested in Celine or Cora Lynne contact Andrea from Reeces Rainbow. Plus, know I will support you the best I can to help you fundraise!


  1. oh youare such a darling and these girls are so wonderful!i am so excited you havelinked up to forget-me-not friday. i have added beautiful celine and cora lynne to the friday gallery along with lillianna who wasalready there, do come back and post again my dear friend. will you send me links to the original giveaway post as i want to blogabout itxxxjane xxx
