
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rise up to the challenge!

Today starts National Down Syndrome Month, which I am so proud to say I have a sister born with that extra gene! Its also someones birthday this month who has touched my heart, in a far away country a girl will not be celebrating her 6th birthday with cake or presents. Celine has no family to celebrate with, no person to treasure her for who she is on her Birthday. In honor of both events I am raising up a challenge, you know how every blog has an author well I am challenging you. The goal to raise the Giveaway chipin to $1,000 which will then put Cora Lynne to benefit from the Shoot for the Stars Giveaway but theirs a catch, to give anothers "ransom" so the blog author, Me can speak again. I know I took this idea from someone else but revamped it a tad. In other words you will see NO BLOG POSTS FROM ME NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES! So if something Good happens to Celine or Cora Lynne, mums the word til that chipin is up to $1,000! Please blog, facebook, do whatever it takes to set our blogs author free!!!

Go visit Celines Shoot For The Stars Giveaway to see the awesome prizes you could win by helping us & freeing our warrior friend! Oh & our blog author kindly asks that you leave a comment on that post stating if you donated, shared, etc. One more thing she encourages you to go see Courageous this weekend & leave a comment of what you thought about it on this post & she will give you another free entry. MUMs the WORD TIL THEN! Edited to add, she has a very special interview with one of her favorite inspiring bloggers, Patti from A Perfect Lily but she does not want to release it til she is set FREE!!!


  1. well i shared on sharing sunday but cant donate at the mo as have no working cedit cards after i lost my purse and had to cancel them all!!!will see if hubby's cards (which also had to be cancelled...ooops iwa popular not) will wotk tomorrow! xxxxx pleasecome back soon! x

  2. Courageous was amazing! I couldn't stop crying! Great Christin movie.

  3. just $125 to your goal :)
