
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cora Lynnes Last Chance Christmas Auction-Rules & Info

Cora Lynne has been on the angel tree since last year, sadly she still waits. This is her last year on the angel tree as she will turn 6 years old in May. She will sit in her crib, not enjoying christmas opening presents or more importantally listening to the story of Jesus birth & not knowing the love of a family. Since this is her last year on the angel tree lets make this her last without a family! Adoption is expensive lets face it, she currently has over $3,000. The cost of her "ransom" is anywhere between $20,000-40,000. Thats heartbreaking, if every child had a full grant their would be no more orphans. She is only $211.50 from her goal, but you know what I think she will surpass that. I have seen miracles happen before, lets make sure money is not in the way for a family for Cora Lynne!
Heres how this is going to work:
I will post each item on individual posts with the description & starting bid. Please leave comment with opening bid on the item your bidding on.
Each item will have increments of $1.
Shipping will be provided by donors. BEFORE YOU BID PLEASE EMAIL ME AT with your first name & last initial
if you still want to donate please send me an email with photo, description of item, & retail value of it to the same address mentioned above. Auction will end December 14th at midnight pt.
Because her life matters!

1 comment:

  1. Oops - I bid but didn't give you my name - Julia N -
