
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Giveaway postponed!

I have decided to postpone the Giveaway to January 18th to give people time to recouperate from giving to the Angel Tree & to allow more time for me to finish sending off delayed prizes from the christmas auction & even 1 prize from the last Giveaway (sorry to prize winners its been crazy with moving!) & gather some more prizes for this one on top of trying to plan some more fundraisers for Celine. Please forgive me, this has just been one weird December! I want this Giveaway to be as Big as possible! Their is a family who is interested in Celine & would scoop her up quick if the funds were there! So please be patient & stay tuned for Shoot for the Stars Giveaway pt 2! If interested in donating a prize please leave a comment. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Im hoping that in the next couple of days Celine's account grows. I would LOVE to be her momma, but sadly, it isn't meant to be. Of course Cora Lynne is a beauty too. I bet both these girls have changed so much since these photos. I think what you are doing for them is amazing!
