
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Precious Soul

See this precious soul?

For certain people you might be surprised this girl will be 9 in about a week. Heres a bit more about her:
DOB: 2002
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
We have very little information on this little one. We do have several photos. We also know that she's in an orphanage where most of the children are malnourished and receive only the most basic care and minimal therapy. As a result, she's significantly delayed.
$417.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!
That DOB is not lying this girl is almost 9 YEARS OLD! she is in the same orphanage as Katie was in who is home with her forever family.
Oh dear sweet Kolina, it breaks my heart that no one cares for you or loving on you. I am Praying God will bring a family soon! Keep fighting sweet girl so that your forever family can hold you in their arms & cherish you for who you are! I wish I could snuggle you to tell you how much God loves you but since I can't I will be praying for whoever your future family might be & you to stay healthy & well. I am going to do all thats possible to spread the word to help fund your adoption & find your future family!
Such a precious soul she is. If interested in her go to her Reece's Rainbow page


  1. She is definitely in need of some lovin'! Maybe if Celine wasn't smiling, she's get more attention...sad to say, but maybe there's some truth to it. I love her smile though!! I have it on my fridge & get to see it everyday :) Praying for Kolina :)

  2. thanks for your comment! I certainly agree!

  3. Thank you so much for posting about Kolina! I just this morning was able to announce that I am her Mama! Thank you for the prayers. God did have to work on me all weekend and I finally had the courage to say yes. I definately will need financial help with this one as just getting her home is going to be very expensive. (she will need to be admitted to the Hospital in her coundtry before she flies home to get her stable enough to fly. Extra time in country, extra child care expense at home, nurse to go with us. Please pray that someone who knows how to fundraise is inspired to take Kolina on as a focus! God bless you for sharing her story!

  4. Thank you so much for posting about Kolina! I just this morning was able to announce that I am her Mama! Thank you for the prayers. God did have to work on me all weekend and I finally had the courage to say yes. I definately will need financial help with this one as just getting her home is going to be very expensive. (she will need to be admitted to the Hospital in her coundtry before she flies home to get her stable enough to fly. Extra time in country, extra child care expense at home, nurse to go with us. Please pray that someone who knows how to fundraise is inspired to take Kolina on as a focus! God bless you for sharing her story!

  5. No problem! I will be praying for your journey to Kolina. thanks!
