
Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Another prize that was generously donated back by the winner in Celine's Giveaway! So, this book is so awe inspiring & although its not a true story it makes people fully aware of those with autism. Let's Help potentially effect 2 more orphans besides Celine! If you don't know of Karen Kingsbury books I highly suggest them to you with a box of kleenex as most you will cry! Heres the description of the book:
Before You Take a Stand ... You Got to Take a Chance.
Holden Harris is an eighteen-year-old locked in a prison of autism. Despite his quiet ways and quirky behaviors, Holden is very happy and socially normal---on the inside, in a private world all his own. In reality, he is bullied at school by kids who only see that he is very different.

Ella Reynolds is part of the 'in' crowd. A cheerleader and star of the high school drama production, her life seems perfect. When she catches Holden listening to her rehearse for the school play, she is drawn to him ... the way he is drawn to the music. Then, Ella makes a dramatic discovery---she and Holden were best friends as children.

Frustrated by the way Holden is bullied, and horrified at the indifference of her peers, Ella decides to take a stand against the most privileged and popular kids at school. Including her boyfriend, Jake.

Starting bid-$5