
Monday, January 2, 2012

Another year, same mission!

If you don't recall this has been quite the amazing year for this blog! Just see for yourself on my recap post Merry Christmas!
My mission when I started this blog was to help advocate & find these girls families, that mission remains til they have families & then fundraising til they get home! Celine is 6 yrs old, can you imagine not having someone to love on you for that long? Cora Lynne will be 6 yrs old in May & has likely also been transferred or will be soon. Please join me in my mission by finding their families by the end of 2012! These girls have waited far too long, Cora Lynne has been listed for 1 year & Celine at least 2 years at the most! SPREAD THE WORD LIKE WILDFIRE!!!! Thats the best thing so that their families might find them and/or bring new people to donate to their grants! SO WHO'S WITH ME??? 2012 TO FIND THESE GIRLS THEIR FAMILIES!!!

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