
Monday, January 23, 2012

A birthday wish

In 12 days, I will turn 20 (yikes I am getting old quick! LOL). If you were a blog reader last year, then you recall my celebrating Quintons birthday by having a "joint" party for the both of us & instead of Gifts I asked for donations for his adoption grant. I also started a Change Drive which ended up raising at least $100. Thankfully he is now home with his Forever Family. This year I am going to ask the same yet again, I am hoping to raise at least $300. Will you please consider donating or collecting change in honor of Quintons new life with his family on his second birthday & instead of gifts for my 20th? My birthday wish is that 1 or both my girls will find their forever families & that the next best thing to that would be for them to both recieve money in their grants! Please follow along to collect change here
Look for a SPECIAL BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE to Quinton & a SURPRISE ENTRIES UPDATE on the Lost Get Found Giveaway February 4th! Cause all this girl is asking for is to help a lost girl be found!
If all my friends did this 3 months ago for the love of Celine $220 raised!

Just imagine what we could do this time around!!
Help make my 20th BIRTHDAY WISH COME TRUE ON FEBRUARY 4TH!! I am praying to double that from last time! That means $440 needs to be raised!

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