
Friday, January 20, 2012

If only...

Reccently I have been addicted to the show, Storage Wars where they bid on abandoned/unpaid storage units. Its amazing to watch what they can find so far the best one I watched was a guy paid $2.50 for a unit (I am not kidding!) & it hardly had anything in it but he found these fly jars in drawers of the dresser which valued at $4,000. Its very cool to see all these deals being made, but it makes me wish I could put that much into a childs grant. I mean why put a value on a childs life? If only...
I could particially or fully fund a childs adoption than that child could be saved from a lifetime in a institution
If only...
I were older & already married I could adopt
If only...
xyz that Celine or Cora Lynne could be in my family
I know their is a lot if onlys but as a friend from RR said:
All of this to say, no matter how many page views or comments your posts get, or how "popular" you think your blog is, God HAS called you to this for a reason, and He DOES have a special role for you to play.
I am truely blessed to have such great friends who have been so supportive in my efforts, one Mom who adopted her son from the same institution Heath is in, Julia Nalle is so kind & has a way with words. Her blog Micah Six Eight has been so inspiring to me & has kept my days at bay when I would get discouraged. She has seen the LOST AND THE LONELY BOYS here and here & thats why I fight so hard for the orphans cause I never would want that to happen to a child. She has cared for Heath so much as they met him:
Brady was so blessed to find a family, now Heath still remains & Now their are more lost & lonely boys in that institution. The best I can do is the Lost Get Found Giveaway so please check it out! also I am welcome to new prizes for the Giveaway so leave a comment if you would like to donate something! Also PLEASE REMEMBER THAT I HAVE THIS AWESOME BUTTON TO THE RIGHT TO ADD TO YOUR BLOG PLUS YOU GET AN ENTRY!!


  1. If you count what I'll be sending in for Celine then she already has $8000:)

  2. It's wonderful to see how much Heaths grant has grown in just these couple of days since you started this giveaway. You are doing an amazing job for him.As you now I posted about your giveaway on my blog, and would encourage everybody reading this to do the same. Heath can have a better life, and he will have a family if only his grant is substantial enough. Love you for doing this for him.


  3. woo hoo!!!! Did you see Heath,s account?????

    1. Yes I did, you should have seen me this morning my jaw dropped & I kept checking to make sure I saw right LOL.
