
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Overfilled with Abundance!

You would not believe how great it is that right now miracles are happening for 2 sweet orphans that need families! Heath, has been on my mind not stop now & it made me sad to see he is not being loved on! well bring on a new awesome friend, who felt like she wanted to do more for the Giveaway beside donate a prize & so far she has emailed over 60 etsy store owners asking for donations. I promise I was going to do it but took her kind offer so now with all thats been offered from those store owners & all my dear RR friends who have offered to donate I am NO LONGER WORRIED ABOUT HOW AWESOME & HUGE THIS GIVEAWAY IS GOING TO BE!! Now lets raise some MONEY FOR THESE SWEET KIDS! It will likely take me a day or 2 to post, so I am going to go ahead to setup the blog buttons and/or chipins. PLEASE PRAY WE CAN RAISE THE FUNDS NEEDED!! MY GOAL IS $2,000-3,000 OR MORE FOR CELINE & FOR HEATH HOW EVER HIGH WE CAN GET HIS GRANT TO BE!!! I am certainly blessed with such caring friends, I can't wait to tell you what 1 friend is going to do for Celine & Colton so stay tuned for that announcement coming soon!! I can't THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH!!! Emily, the doll says stay tune as I am "dying" for a friend to play with me & get me out of this box!!! Oh & lets help my REAL FRIENDS FIND FAMILIES!!!!

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