
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Birthday buddy Quinton!

Fall 2010 I fell in love with a little boy on Reece's Rainbow, his name is Quinton. We shared one thing in common-the same Birthday which was part of the reason I chose to sign up to be his christmas warrior that year but then he quickly found a family the day the Angel Tree started. His eyes spoke to me, his picture saying who will rescue me? He was the 1st kid on Reece's Rainbow I decided to advocate for & fundraise for, when his family committed to him I was unsure if I could help raise funds needed to help with his adoption. When "our" Birthdays rolled around last year, I was turning 19 while you were still waiting for your family on your 1st Birthday I decided instead of just having a party for me why not do a party for "us"? Several friends came over & we had a party that I always will remember, instead of gifts I asked for donations for your adoption which now will always be a special birthday tradition til all orphans have families. We also did a change drive which brought in the end about $200 from all my friends & family. On top of that I also did the JBF sale to raise funds, which did well. In june we did some yard sales which in the end brought about $200 for your adoption. I still can't believe everytime I look at your pictures that you are now home with your loving family. Buddy, I so wish I could have been there today to celebrate your special "1st" with your family Birthday Party/baby dedication but since I can't I am sending you warm hugs & I hope to meet you real soon. Miller family, thanks for making my wish of him finding a family come true! Quinton, I have a special something for you once this girl can figure out which box it is in. Love you my sweet boy & thanks for starting me on this Journey of advocating for the lost & lonely orphans in this world! I will be celebrating on this side of the US thinking of you partying with your family & friends, remembering what love did to bring you home where you belong! Love you baby boy! Happy 2nd Birthday from "Auntie Leah" in CA!
Quinton happy with his new life!


  1. Oh my word you made me cry! Handsome boy!!! His eyes are so haunting and sad in that first picture - look at how happy he is now!!!

    1. thanks for following along! I am assuming you found my blog through the NDSS website. Thats what drew me to advocate & fundraise for him & so pleased he is loving life with his family.
