
Monday, March 26, 2012


I know I usually talk about orphans on this blog but I wanted to share whats on my heart after my Church's sermon this weekend. Forgiveness can be a hard thing to do, no matter if its forgiving yourself or someone else who has hurt you whether its physically, emotionally, or spiritually. I know too well the emotional pain, its hard to forgive but not forget the past.

Sometimes, you have the what ifs & wishing you could turn back the clock to discover the why? Why did they have to hurt me even if they never meant to? How can I forgive them for what they did to hurt me? I certainly learned more about forgiveness this weekend with the sermon & through October Baby. I know I can't change what happened & the feelings that happened but I do forgive that person(s). Its harder to not put blame on yourself & I am certainly trying to get past that. God truly forgives all wrongs & he wants you to forgive those people.

It may not always be that easy or quick, it may take years to fully forgive but you do heal. Anger is a normal feeling to feel, you may be angry that they hurt you & I have dealt with feeling angry at that person. Heck you may even want to delete them from your friends list on Facebook, But I do know the love of God & that he wants us to forgive that person who has hurt us. Twice I have forgotten about it but then it will come up again like this past weekend & it brought a new sense of peace & healing. I know it will likely still come up but I know I can run to the Creator & one true God in my times of struggles.

Thanks for letting me share about this topic, I have not felt very free to share with anyone about it but decided I needed to write a blogpost about it. Just reading this blogpost is making me heal. Jesus Loves you! He forgives you & he wants you to forgive.

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