
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A risk worth taking

Fundraisers are such a risk, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't but you know what? They are WORTH IT & SO ARE THE KIDS THAT BENEFIT FROM THEM! Even if you raise not that much don't tell me they are not worth it. If I had Given up on the fundraisers would Quinton be home now? Or Mackenzie? Would Celines grant still be at $3,033? I know its hard to fundraise, & still I am thinking of doing some big Giveaway for families. Not sure who or when but feel like I need to start yet again. I have a big fundraising idea setup for my Birthday next year but won't reveal that til closer to time. I am planning a yard sale in the spring. Fundraising is tough but ITS WORTH THE RISK!!! I could have never imagined what God would do this past 1 year & half through a yard sale, 4-6 JBF sales, Necklace fundraisers, Scentsy, Gifts from Christmas, & Birthday & Misc contributes from my loving Grandma, auctions, Giveaways, & Misc fundraisers. I estimate over $2,500 being raised since I started fundraising Glory to be to God!!! Thanks to God 2 orphans have come home through the fundraising I did last year, & I hope many more to come this year! These are the orphans you have helped in 2012 here on this blog so far! Celine, Cora Lynne, Heath, Brandi Please pray their families will find them! Pray for Celines region to reopen. Pray for Alden, my prayer baby to get more information & be able to have a donate button. Thanks again so much!

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