
Friday, April 27, 2012

Why I am thankful Dad

I know this is not about Reeces Rainbow but tomorrow is my dads birthday & I can't think of anything better to write about why I am thankful for my dad & how proud I am of him. First & foremost my dad works so hard to provide for our family which has allowed mom to stay home with us. Its incredible to me how hard he works & still he gives us his time. I love my dad very much & he is another reason why I care so much for others as both my parents do. Since I am sparing how old he is I will just give 5 reasons why I love my dad. #1-He truely TRIES HIS BEST, I know it may not be easy & now during this time of adjustment with the sale of his air conditioning buissness but I love how he is simply trying. #2-Lovingly has supported me through my crazy fundraising sometimes dealing with messy hallways of stuff from/for the pregnancy center or JBF. For that I am thankful cause he truely knows how much Alternatives Pregnancy Center & Reeces Rainbow mean to me. He cared so much that during my 1st Giveaway this past fall, Shoot for the Stars Giveaway he provided a miracle that brought me to tears. Then to top that off he sent this email out to his friends & our family. Counting my Blessings September 29,2011 To a whole bunch of my dearest friends... I really hope you'll take the time to read this. I want to honor one of my kids for a few minutes... But first, this question... if I ask you what the majority of 19 year old girls in the USA are doing for fun these days, what things come to your mind? (be careful) I received this email from my daughter, Leah, (19 yrs old). I thought about the answer to the above question, and then (after wiping the majority of the tears away) I found myself so amazed and thankful of what my girl is up to. She is ministering to kids halfway around the world to give them a shot at life. I praise God for Leah and the heart that she has. Most of her waking hours, (while she's not doing Facebook posts), is spent collecting items to sell or donate, and collecting coins... all so she can raise money for various charities. Her latest efforts are for an organization called Reeces Rainbow I'm just a dumb ole country boy, and the typical clueless male, so I might not get this exactly right…. but I'm pretty sure they raise money to help Parents in the U.S. to adopt children with Down Syndrome in countries around the world. At least, that’s close. THIS ISN'T A PLEA FOR MONEY. That's not what this is about. I'm asking you to read her email, click on the links to see what she's doing & the children she's trying to help save, and bless her by giving her an encouraging word. And pray for her. All of that... even if you don't donate Please see her email below.... (with a few comments from me) And, thanks for taking the time… Alan My message I sent to him: Hey Dad, First of all I love & appreciate how hard you work everyday so mom can stay home with us. Heres the information on the Banquet: Friday October 7th at 6pm October 7, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom in Sacramento. (This is the banquet for the Alternatives Pregnancy Center, a place that she volunteers at least one day a week, that helps unwed pregnant girls choose to give life to unborn babies) Also mom wanted me to share my Giveaway on my blog with you: Leah's Blog This is one of the ways I have been fundraising for this little girl through Reeces Rainbow -Celine. Also you can see why I have been working so hard is because some of these kids get very malnourished like this 12 yr old boy: Tony Its pretty heart breaking, I want you to know that I have gotten nice comments, & you & mom have been a huge part of that teaching me its better to give than to recieve as well as Mamaw. Just know that although you struggle with money in your business that we have it much better than these kids who are still not included in society & are literally wasting away. Their country was our country nearly 20+ years ago still putting them away in orphanages & mental institutions. I am so glad Sarah was born into our family, & I know even if she was born in those years when our country was that way that you & mom would still gladly keep her no matter what. I am so happy I have helped get kids to their loving families like these 2: Quinton (we share the same birthday - thats why I picked to be his Christmas warrior last year now look how far he has come!) Lydiah -both of these families I did the yard sale back in June for, now both kids are thriving in their new families! (Leah raised money to help these parents adopt these kids) I cannot imagine the world, in which sarah would be in had she been born back then or in another country. Thanks for all you do to support my efforts with the Pregnancy Center & Reeces Rainbow! (like stuff everywhere before JBF sale) JBF is a HUGE help in my way to fundraise for both these charities, so putting up with that "stuff" is much appreciated. (Leah is referring to the fact that 6 months out of the year, there is stuff all over our living room, as it’s being prepared for the sale) I Love you very much!!! Leah (Wow, what a kid!. Praise God! Go to Leah’s blog if you want to donate, and here is her email if you want to send a note I am not sharing this email with pride or anything I just want to share how proud I am of my dad & when he did this it truely touched me. #3-He becomes my buddy every year we go to the pregnancy centers Banquet together its our annual father-daughter time & this past year I was crying cause I just did not think we could go & my daddy said he would make it happen. (photo pictured below after our lovely evening) He truly cares about this organization as much as mom & I do so much so he supports them each month cause he believes in life like we do. I love spending time with him at the banquet & very proudly like introducing my daddy. #4 He also has spent time lugging around recycles to help me turn in which has gone to benefit many causes including going to Camp Barnabas. His love of diet mountain dew has helped add to the recycles lol. He is so paitent & kind to allow me in my craziness of wanting to recycle for cash & even trying to do so on the way home from trips. So thankful he lets me do this chore, help the earth, & in return keep the funds. #5 Most importantly I am proud of my daddy his love for God & letting him lead his life. He follows God wherever he may lead him to go or do. Happy Birthday to my dad!! Love you lots dad & truely thankful for all you do!


  1. That is so beautiful- your dad sounds wonderful! And he surely is...he raised you:)
