
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday-Quinten

So I am a tad late on this weeks teamwork tuesday post but better late than never right? Right now I am struggling to post much of anything, I am just feeling bleh about posting to the same people feeling what more can I say or do? Its hard cause I am thinking of Cora Lynne, how not too many have noticed her & that its her 6th Birthday this month how she could be in a institution or close to transfer. I just keep having bad feelings that  she spends her days laying down in a crib & honestly makes me want to cry. Its also been hard in the fundraising department as right now I can only do the scrapbook fundraiser & not a single order so far but hey I am not giving up even if I just get 1 & end up giving all the proceeds. No, I am not giving up but just can't quite figure out what to write about so anyway back to todays post of Teamwork Tuesday. (Not trying to make you feel like you have to give or feel bad just got to let it out)
Meet Quinten, another precious boy almost like Quinton (who is home with his forever family!)
Their is not too much information on him just like my prayer child Alden, but thankfully he has a donation button compared to Alden who does not.

Date of Birth: August 2009
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: red
Character: noisy, active
Diagnosis: DS, delayed development, protein-calorie deficiency, non-malignant growth
He sounds like he would make a wonderful son for someones family! He has a $1,304.00 grant available towards his adoption.

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