
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday:Kyle

Todays teamwork Tuesday child is special to me cause he is in the same region as Celine. I would like to ask you to pray for region 2 especially today for them to reopen those doors so that families can bring home their kids & that kids like Alden or Celine or Kyle or whomever can find families.
Meet Kyle, he will be 6 years old in November. Can't you see the desperate plea in his eyes saying why don't you come for me?
Heres what his profile says:


Kyle is facing the institution.   He has striking blue eyes and bright blonde hair!  Kyle is medically healthy outside of his flat feet and strabismus.   Please give Kyle a chance to grow up in a loving family of his own!

$3903.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!
Even if you can't adopt him can you skip a starbucks or soda for Kyle & donate to his grant? Better yet you can pray for his region & that a family can adopt him soon!

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