
Saturday, May 12, 2012


Why have I had to wait for so long? I am so happy for others but why has she not been noticed? Is it because she is older? Her region is not closed unlike Celine, she has a decent size grant for a family to get started so why has she not been chosen? She will be 6 years old. I am not complaining but lately I just want to crawl in a deep corner & never come out to blog. Fundraising is so hard right now cause everybody else is doing it & I don't want to do the same as so many are doing, or take away from the other families trying to fundraise. I have tried spreading the word through other facebook pages I am a part of but no luck at that either. I decided to stop posting to the RR groups cause I don't want to wear out the same people over & over. I almost want to stop posting on my personal page as its been hard to get response to anything. Hardly any response or shares on my posts so why bother? I am just tired & want to give up even though I know I shouldn't. Maybe its just time for a blog break for awhile, I don't know like I have said I just feel bleh about what to post. About to go on a road trip so maybe I can pull in new people to Reeces Rainbow & show people Cora Lynnes picture. Please remember Scrapbook fundraiser ends May 31st!


  1. Don't give up....I always read your blog although I may not always comment...I was just looking tonight at the waiting children and there are lots that have huge's hard not to question why??? -- Only God knows and we have to wait for His timing. Are you coming to Arkansas? I live in De Queen which is 2 1/2 hours away...


    1. thanks Stephanie,I truly appreciate all you have done to encourage me. Yes, so true! Yes, I am will message you.

  2. oh leah...i know how you feel!!!! please don't give up! cora lynne and celine both are so lucky to have your voice! When the girls finally come home...and i know they will...i will cry with joy...without you I may not even have noticed their faces!! now they are in my prayers and my heart aches for them...i am a woman you have never m,et on the other side of the ocean and YOU MADE THAT HAPPEN!!!! you added these girls into my thoughts and!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THAT GRANT FUND...ITS AWESOME! I HAVE never known fundraising as hard as it is at the last 2 fundraisers cost me money!!!! its hard honey and your strength to keep these girls in your heart now has me in tears!!!!! leah tears before breakfast...what are you doing to me!!! love you my dear blogworld friend, i am so sorry iof i have not supported you enough!!! i promise today i will share your girls a minimum of 10 times! love you love you love you xxxxxxx

  3. Hang in there Leah! I look at the boys with over $10,000 in their funds every day --- most are 5 or 6 years old --- and wonder what is going on. Where are their families? One tip I learned from a new friend is to look for ways to find blogs and groups unrelated to RR that might have a common interest. My friend reads a lot of Catholic (non-adoption) blogs and has gotten some luck getting owners to post about orphans there. Look for new opportunities related to your other interests and friends. Good luck!

