
Friday, June 22, 2012

A year ago

Yesterday, a year ago Quinton who I advocated, prayed, & fundraised for met his parents for the 1st time. To see the strides he has made since coming home makes this advocates heart burst with Joy! The sad news is I don't know what would have happened to him had they not rescued him cause his orphanage is closing down & kids as young as 1 are being transferred to institutions which makes me want to cry.
If it had not been for the Miller family & all who helped bring him home this guy would not be enjoying life with his wonderful family! He is even standing up & walking now!
              When I fell in love with this photo little did I know this boy would find a love of a family so quickly

This was about 2 months ago but still Is he not cute or what?

Quinton has made so much strides but thing is their is a boy still in his orphanage whose family needs help to bring him home & I am sure he will strive just like my buddy!
Meet Keegan, precious boy is barely 1 years old. Luckily he has a family coming for him but they need our help to get him! To donate via Reeces Rainbow go here
Go check out their auction!

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