
Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm no Super Hero...Just an ordinary Girl

                                                      I'm no Super Hero!

I'm just an Ordinary Girl

Doing ordinary things

For the Glory of the Lord

Cause he is my super Hero!

People very often compliment me how great I am doing what I do for these kids & thanking me over & over for my heart for these kids. But you know what?
I do what I do because God says so in his word to care for the widows & the orphans! 
I'm not perfect, I'm just an ordinary girl trying to follow Gods command by

Caring for the orphans.

We can all do something to help! It made a difference to this one.

I want to tell you how powerful prayer is! Prayer is so very important & it costs nothing but your time. It matters & makes a difference. Even if you can't financially support those adopting or these kids waiting, you can pray!
I pray every night for them cause I know its a way I can help without costing anything but my time.

Besides Prayer being important, advocating is too!
Facebook has become such a big tool for the world of Reece's Rainbow why not use your facebook to help? You just never know what a Share might do! It cost nothing but a simple hit of the share button! So SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!
Whether it's Facebook or a blog SHARING MAKES A DIFFERENCE TOO & it also costs nothing but your time!

Lastly, if you can't adopt but want to help another family by advocating/fundraising for them. Host a yard sale to fundraise

Or go crazy & offer to go a different color of hair like I did last year for Quinton!

Or collect change to be the change!

It could be as simple or crazy as you want just do SOMETHING TO HELP!! PRAY, ADVOCATE, SHARE, ADOPT!!!
Like I said, I'm an ordinary girl living in a ordinary world trying to make a difference one orphan at a time. Won't you?

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