
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Alternatives Pregnancy Center & volunteering

Volunteering has certainly changed my life for the better learning how to serve others from helping in the toddlers class at my church to helping others to fundraise for their adoption, by volunteering to help at special events like the Step Up for Down Syndrome walk to help bring more awareness of Reece's Rainbow, to being brave by volunteering 1 week every summer to lead a group of 5 preschoolers at VBS, to serving a weekend at Camp Barnabas in Oct. 2010 to a camper with Down Syndrome who had a love/hate relationship with me or volunteering 1 week at that same place to sibling campers to volunteering at Alternatives Pregnancy Center which helps 1st time moms facing an unplanned pregnancy.
I have certainly done a lot, no I am not bragging but I do have to say I Love what I have done & what I have currently done for the past 5 years serving at the Pregnancy Center. Its been a challenge for sure at times going through stacks of baby clothes to hang together & make sure its nicely kept but it certainly is worth it to see Babies getting all these cute & adorable things that their moms get to earn for them by attending Parenting Classes & using their mommy bucks. Sometimes they even can get some personal items for themselves!            
The Nursery Nook store where the moms shop. I will certainly miss the old location but looking forward to what we can do with the new location!

It's been nice to have my Mom along for the Journey & this special time we spend together.
 Can't you tell by my expression on my face how I am excited for the New location? 
Every year, I participate in their walk for life to fundraise & thanks to all my friends for their love & support I raised $200!
They also host a banquet every year in the fall & I am always so happy for my annual time with Dad. I can't wait til the Banquet in a few weeks!
Serving others truly is a gift & I am so glad my parents have taught me that. I have mentioned before I am no super hero or anything of the sorts I just love to help & God wants me to!
He certainly taught me lots when I served my camper, Gracie at Barn-a-break back in Oct 2010. Barn-a-break is/was a mini camp experience over a weekend either in the fall or the spring. Everyone I met their mouths dropped when they asked me where I was from & that I would just come for the weekend but then when I explained my grandma lives close & we came for a visit they all were like ahh I see now. From the beginning I was excited because they had put me in a girls cabin with the most adorable girls all with that extra chromosome. I knew I was experienced in what it was because of Sarah but little did I know the difference in each camper.
From what I knew the camper I got was 6 years old & probably the youngest at camp age wise. The moment I saw her in the arms of the staffer I was not sure what she thought of me. She was upset & wanted her staffer from that summer who was not going to be in her cabin for the weekend. The whole weekend we had moments where she was fine with me & loved me but most of the time she was bonding more with the staffers then I. At the end of the weekend she just started to warm up to me & I am sure if it had been a week at camp it might be different. 
Being in a cabin of girls with Down Syndrome, taught me that they are not all alike & to have patience that's for sure! I had the best time that weekend!
Serving is a great reward in it self & teaches you so much. If you have the time to change someones life why don't you get involved by volunteering?

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