
Thursday, August 2, 2012


Family can be anyone, whether your related biologically, adopted, or by the blood of christ. I want you all to know that I appreciate my Family! Every single one of you in my Reeces Rainbow Family, my family, & my Christian family!! After I announced my exciting news I had never seen so many likes & comments on my post on Facebook. Its pretty scary to go to a new country you have never been to before but all the love thats been shared over the past week has me uplifted & encouraged so I THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I especially want to thank my "big sis" Becki, you have been such a blessing to me over the years of knowing you & I appreciate your enthusiasm for what I do. You have encouraged me big time as I take this leap to go to Russia. When I first received the message from the family asking if I wanted to go, I was scared cause I was not sure if I could raise the passport & visa fees but now I have no doubt I will get to go. Please continue to pray! I'm so over the moon excited to go & I thank the family for giving me this opportunity!  My heart is already in love with this country & counting the months til I get to go! Google translate is already to go on my Iphone & my brother is taking Russian this year so that will certainly help me!
I think I want to have some blog posts about Russia history & the country in general but first in that series I might have my mom, Dad, & older sister write about the church in Novgorod that they were a part of.

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