
Sunday, August 5, 2012

In Loving Memory of Jaxon

Their is no words to describe when you lose a loved one but today is no exception for the Jaco family.
Friday night they found out their beloved son they were in the process of adopting has passed away. They don't know when or how just that he is in the arms of Jesus. With faith they will continue this adoption path God has set for them. Please allow them this time for them to grieve with no questions asked. Though he never got the chance to know his forever family, he was dearly loved by all his friends & family. He will be in their hearts always, Jaxon Jeremiah Jaco. Rest in sweet peace dear little boy.
In Loving Memory of Jaxon & his 15 months of life, can you go donate $15 to the Jaco family as they continue in the journey.

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