
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Update as of tonight on Selah

  • "Selah has had a good day. Everything has remained stable. Her heart rate is still higher than they'd like so please pray that it will go into normal range. She has made some small advances neurologically but we have a long way to go. We have been given hope for her survival based on the fact her body has remained healthy and her organs are functionally good. Of course they can not predict where she will be neurologically. She is making small advances, she is breathing above the rate of the respirator and her eyes are responding a tiny bit.

    So please pray for Selah that she will remain stable and that she will respond to stimulus. We are NOT out of the woods yet but God is listening to our prayers and showing mercy. Thank you all for holding her up before the throne of grace....God is our refuge and strength a VERY present help in trouble! He is the only God who promises to be our help in trouble and He is with us in trouble....I know He is carrying us today!

    Thank you all for everything! We feel cared for and loved by so many people who are holding us up to the Father....thank you!!!!"

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