
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Update on my Russian Adventure

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to give you an update on my Russian Adventure. So far it looks like God is wanting me to go but I need prayers for the adoptive family that I am going with for the process to pickup speed. Nothings wrong except I really want to go on this trip. In the meantime I do have good news! Looks like I can go ahead to get my passport application filled out & sent off hooray! I want to personally thank the person who bought all 4 white flowers, my friend Laurie who made the flowers & said I could use them to fundraise, & lastly to Stephanie who donated! God has continued to provide in many ways & I feel he is saying Go in that way.
Thank you to everyone who has ordered through my amazon link to the right! It may only be $6.37 earned so far but that's one step less for my visa! I was not planning on doing much more for online fundraising as I am going to send out letters to my family & friends but decided to do a facebook auction so once that starts I will post the link on here. Also the yard sale I am doing for Brandi will also help me go to Russia so please pray it will go well on September 15th. 


  1. Yay, Leah! So, how much does a passport cost? I have no idea :)
