
Monday, September 10, 2012

The Lost Boy

For those that are newer to my blog, I want to tell you how this lost little boy made my heart just about burst & my awesome friend Julia who shared her perspectives of this institution. I had read her blogposts about Heath before but something started tugging at my heart when for a brief period I saw no one advocating and/or fundraising for him. I had no idea why but God placed him on my heart for a reason. Then I was planning a Giveaway originally just to fundraise for Celine but God said otherwise. I sent an email to Julia before I started the Giveaway back in January not knowing what to do or trying to make up my mind about helping Heath telling her he was on my mind & wanted to help him. What I wrote to her January 6, 2012: 
Hi Julia, First of all I wanted to say Thank you. I admire you for all you do & yours (and pattis blogs) are what keeps me advocating for these Lost to Be found! I know you are probably worn out from the passed over babes Giveaway but I just wanted you to know. Ever since I read the post about Brady & Heath you wrote, I have occassionally thought about them then I was so happy when Brady came home. Just reccently I keep checking on Heath for some reason & have wanted to help in some way, I can't donate right now but had been gathering items for a Giveaway for Celine when I keep thinking I should also help Heath. With some encouragement from the RR warrior heroes group & after thinking so much about it I want to include precious Heath to benefit! I know I don't have many followers but I know I can do my part to get his face out there so his family can find him & this can hopefully benefit his grant greatly! While in the midst of moving I found a brand new American Girl doll, that sat in a box for 4 yrs that santa somehow later ordered another of that same doll. I thought perfect timing God! My mom gave it to me to use for a Giveaway. I realize that these kids don't have that time, to wait & wait & still wait. I wanted you to be the 1st to share my exciting news with as I know how deeply you care for those boys.
Her response was this (edited for privacy): Oh Leah. I was just thinking of my poor Heath this morning as I was laying in bed. I began to cry for him because his chances of ever getting are slim to none.  Thank you for choosing Heath. You question the insanity of adding another child onto a giveaway- Dear Leah - I picked Spencer for my Angel Tree and ended up raising money for 14 other kids. That was insane but sometimes... it is in the insane where God moves!! I pray often for your two girls that God would bless YOU by bringing them a family. You have fought an amazing fight for them and your labor is NOT in vain. Keep pounding the pavement and thank you for adding my sweet Heath in your yelling. He desperately needs someone to yell for him and right now I am so pulled in so many different directions that I can't do much yelling for him!
God blessed the socks off of Heath when I started the Lost Get Found Giveaway back in January & I am amazed how much he has been blessed since the $640 he was at then right before the Giveaway! That Giveaway brought over $2,000 to his grant then since then their have been some big fundraising going on for him! Today I want to send you to my friend Julias blog she is doing a Giveaway & she explains it in her post better than I can!