
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great News!

Well, I have sorta been in a funk trying to figure out how to best help Celine but today I have GREAT NEWS!!!
First of all my check HAS ARRIVED to her grant so that makes me happy! Next since the matching grant has been offered $1,169 has come in yahoo!!! Just $3,824 to go to reach the match!
God is so awesome right Celine?
Now to the fun part! I have been wracking my brain like crazy to come up with ways to help Celine so I am listing them all here of how you can help Celine! First of all, my lovely friend Molly Conley has offered to be pied in the face when Celines grant reaches $11,683.40! So come on donate so Molly can get pied!!

Second I have an awesome friend who runs an online Facebook shop of things she makes. Well she is donating half her proceeds to Celine this week so order some early christmas gifts here!

Lastly another friend does an online shop with all sorts of neat things & she is offering 50% proceeds to Celine too! Checkout it here! Just make sure when checking out you type CELINE in the box! 
Don't forget Patti's Scentsy party & the Nikon Giveaway going on too! Also I still have my amazon link box to the right my proceeds this month will go towards Celine for angel tree! I get a certain percentage from them! Love to digital scrapbook? Ask me about my memories software! 

No matter where you order or donate Celine says a HUGE THANK YOU!!!

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