
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reflecting back 1 year ago-"Lost"

As I was thinking about what to blog about or if I should let my post sink in from Monday I decided to glance back to posts from last year. Tomorrow, one year ago I wrote my post titled Lost. I glanced back into the land of despair that I was in when I wrote that post. Though I still do go back to that land from time to time I have learned so much since I wrote that post. I guess I needed to reread what I wrote so I can appreciate all what God has done all these past year. It aches every breath in my soul to see those words saying it's Cora Lynne's last year on Angel Tree & that I thought she would find a family by this year. I trust in God's plan for her life even if waiting is not so fun. Some days, I just don't know if I can blog anymore but then God gives me the strength to keep going. I know Cora Lynne's family is out there & I just need to keep spreading the word about her cause she is counting on me. I am so thankful that he provided for her & that she reached her angel tree goal of $1,000 last year. It's very hard for me trying to be happy Celine gets the opportunity to be on Angel Tree but yet my heart is torn for Cora Lynne not being her angel tree warrior this year. That's rough when I look back on the posts from November & December of last year & when I glance at Celine's grant I get a little sad knowing Cora Lynne is not on Angel Tree not getting the chance to be seen or fundraised for. You shout for joy when a child goes to the magical world of my family found me page but when you have one or several particular kids you have "fallen" for & they keep not appearing on that magical page your heart is let down. Even though she is not on Angel Tree this year I want to spread awareness for her cause this advocate is ready to see one of her "kids" on my family found me! Now we just need to find her forever family!

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