
Sunday, November 4, 2012

The most precious gift

As we approach the upcoming holidays, first thanksgiving then Christmas I want to reflect on the most important gift of all. God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins willingly & sacrificially. Would we not do that for someone else? Christ lovingly gave his live for us, what a precious gift that was. Its like the orphans, he has adopted us into his family why not the same for them?
Want to know what I really want for christmas? A family for "my girl" Celine!
I mentioned this before but I had gotten these stockings made by friends with love. Unsure what to do with them I had a thought. How about using them for Celine & Cora Lynne? So I stuck notes of love in them praying it would not be for long til those wishes came true. 1 year later the stockings still hang in my room waiting for the day(s) both girls find their forever families.
I have been truly blessed seeing the miracles of Celines grant this past month & THANKFUL FOR YOU ALL WHO SPREAD THE WORD & DONATED! I TAKE NO CREDIT AT ALL FOR WHATS UNFOLDED THIS PAST MONTH CAUSE GOD DID IT WITH THE HELP OF ALL OF YOU!!! You all have played part in being Celines Shooting Stars team! 

Thankful for all the wonderful blessings God has given me, this Christmas all I ask if you want to give me something to my friends that know me in real life is to make a donation to Celine here. If you make a donation of $35 or more you will receive a lovely ornament with her picture on it. Cause this girl means more to me then a gift card or yarn or anything else! Her life I consider more important than the "stuff" of this world. 

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