
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Journey of Advocating

Back in the summer of 2010 I fell in love with this precious grin her smile capturing at my heart strings.

She did not know that smile would capture many hearts.
A girl, 17 at the time found out about Reece's Rainbow thanks in part to another special girls journey to her forever family.
She thought wow I had no idea this was still happening in other countries & that these kids are unwanted there.
She thought even though she was young & could not adopt surely their was a way she could help. So she signed up to advocate & fundraise for two precious kids. 

Celine, almost 5 years old at the time the girl started to advocate had only a grant of $3,033.00. She had hoped that the precious girl in the pink shirt would find her family soon. A year went by then another the little girl now 7 years old with no family still.

She knew why this girl had waited so long even as her grant grew even larger cause her country had shut down for sometime then changed their requirements. You don't know how hard it is to see a girl you have fallen in love with still waiting & you can't do anything about it but pray & hope someone will find her. Still through discouragement of waiting she turned that sadness into Joy by doing everything possible by helping the one she loved & if she was older she would get in an instant.
My friends & Family rallied around me cause they knew how much Celine meant to me. By change drives, kids consignment sales, giveaways, auctions, & yard sales it truely was a team effort to help this precious girl.

For you see they may never meet this girl this side of Heaven
But they will know they showed Gods Love to this one & it Made a difference to her!
Please check out the auction going on for her & many other angel tree babes here which ends Saturday so hurry!

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