
Friday, December 28, 2012

Purely Blessed

This Christmas has been far from normal for our family from what we are use to doing but still it has been such a blessing & a Christmas I will always cherish. It's hard for me to be on the recieving end when I know others need it far more than I do. I explained before how we were doing gifts of service & not many presents. Well I would like to share a gift I would consider an act of love. Though I can't share much of the full story I wanted to share this part of it. So my dad stayed up on Christmas eve & wrote us all notes of how proud he is of each one of us. For those that don't know my dad he typically does not write notes or letters at all except maybe Birthday cards. So for him to write us each notes meant far more to me then any present under the tree! Of course I was hoping for a year without crying on Christmas. Nope not going to happen for this family. Each gift given had special memories & some were meaningful ones too. Another gift I got was change for Reeces Rainbow wrapped in ducktape! The evidence after I got it undone. Luv ya dear brother!
I am purely blessed with an awesome God, a loving family, & dear friends!  Because of how blessed I am I also got to do something for others. Thanks in part to gifts of Love given to me for Christmas by friends & family plus some I have saved, $149.50 has been given/raised for Orphans still waiting & an additional $10 to orphans with families!
Is God not awesome for continuing to provide! I am praying my heart out for two little girls whose country of R****a is awaiting a certain persons veto or signature. I have worried my head off way to much & I want to BEG and PLEAD to ALL OF YOU to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for R****a!!! Please be praying for his heart to be open that these kids need families! Pray for the families in process that they will be comforted as they wait for news. Pray for the orphans still in country who don't have families that whatever happens they will be comforted in some way. 
Look who holds special spots on my Angel Tree? Celines ornament from 2010 on the left & hers from 2012 in the middle with Cora Lynnes from 2010 or 2011 on the end. 
Since Celine, was so blessed to reach her goal I would like to share these kids who have yet to reach their goals. Meet Pacey, only 5-6 months older than my nephew. 
He is halfway to his goal! I have donated to him already in my nephews honor please help him to get to his goal!
Next we have the gorgeous Sophia K. who is only $326.50 away from her goal! These are just two of the many who have yet to get to their $1,000 goal on the Angel Tree
I would like to thank God for giving us his son, & Giving us the gift of Love this Christmas. Cause truly who could ask for anything more? To my parents, thank you for your continuous example that it's better to give than receive! Without you I would not be the person I am! I am Purely Blessed that's for sure & so glad I got to spend Christmas with those I love most.

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