
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Reason for the Season

God has given me the gift of giving. I love to Give & not get anything in return. Truth told if I had all the money in the world, I would probably give it all away. I am not here to brag but I love it when someone gives something out of love not asking for anything in return. Several times including this past Sunday I have gotten gifts & I have never asked for anything in return. Thing is as much as I enjoy gift exchanges I rather give funds or time to charity sometimes instead. Some days I would rather participate just on the giving side cause I really don't need anything in return. God has given me an awesome family, great friends, & an amazing church. I could go on & on about how blessed I am. What I wish, is that this world would reflect the real meaning of Christmas. What if we thought of others before ourselves? If we decided to help the elderly? The poor? The most needy? I know this world would be better if we shared Gods Love with others by giving without getting anything in return. I don't know if I ever will get anything in return but even if I do I give all the credit to God cause he gets all the glory in everything! When Celine and Cora Lynne find families I will take no credit cause it's what God wants us to do! It's him who speaks to the families that step up for the orphans!
So do something kind for someone else today whether its an orphan or some random stranger! 

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