
Friday, January 11, 2013

Good News!!!

Okay so you could not get rid of me for that long but it's only cause I want to blog about good news!!
First of all you may recall the Angel Tree being over, well they brought it back for one day for Orthodox Christmas Jan 7th & at that point checks had come in & only 14 babes were left to reach their goal! I am happy to share the warriors did it again & they all reached their goal!!! During Angel Tree 2012 $300,000 was raised for these kids praise God!!! So about 4 months ago I had this vision put in my head & hearto do something special for my 21st Birthday here's what I wrote on my facebook group about it.

Some kids may say let's go out to party & get drunk for their 21st Birthday. I want something different for my Birthday. As you know my sister, "Pink Princess" has Down Syndrome (the 21st chromosome) has changed my life for the better even though we do have our moments I would never change her for anything. Because of having her, in my life I found a whole passion called Reeces Rainbow which seeks to fundraise & advocate for special needs orphans internationally to be adopted. 

I discovered that unlike the USA other countries had not changed their thinking of special needs kids. I found to my shocking horror that Mental Institutions still exist & that in some orphanages kids as old as 16 could be lying in a crib rotting away. My heart broke as I heard kids between 4-6 years old being taken from the "baby house", the only home they have ever known to adult mental institutions. God used the story of a little girl named Sofia to touch the depth of my heart that I felt acted to do something to help. The past almost 3 years I have fundraised & Prayed for two girls who captured my heart. No one to hold them, love them, & cherish them. They still need families & I am holding onto hope that someway they can each find a family to call their own whether that family is in CA or some other state in the USA, whether they are in Canada, or whether I get to meet these girls this side of Heaven or not. You might not get why I have this passion but my life is truly not the same since my heart & eyes were called to the plea of the orphans.
So as I was thinking in my mind & heart of something special & more meaningful then my previous Birthdays let alone my 21st I came up with this idea. International adoptions can cost $25,000-40,000 depending on country & other factors. I decided in honor of my 21st Birthday & the 21st chromosome I wanted to raise $21,000. Yes, you heard me right. I know you might think I am nuts but that's a good amount to an orphan or two. So instead of gifts, I am asking my friends for $21 for 21.
I am stepping out with faith that these girls WILL GET FAMILIES & I am TRUSTING God that someway he will make this path known to me. I am already panicked with 3 weeks before my Birthday & the date I have chosen for the event to try to raise money for these girls. I have no clue what I am doing or if I have help to do the idea that could raise thousands of dollars. Please pray for my idea to be a success! 

1 comment:

  1. i love that idea, dont go away! keep blogging! i will be 'billy no mates' if you leave! xxx
