
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Life, Love, A family

You may wonder why do I care?
"Pink Princess" is one of the many reasons I care. Had she born a few years earlier doctors might have urged my parents to put her in a mental institution. I just can't possibly imagine someone like my sister being tied down in a crib so she won't escape. 
For you see had I not cared this boy, would soon have found himself in a mental institution without any hope.
The biggest reason I care is I want orphans to have the kind of Love like my family shares with me. I want them to know the Joy that having a family can bring. Love shares no boundaries family is the ones you love most whether they were born in your family or not. It does not matter what country they come from they all deserve a life a family can bring!

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widowsin their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
For you see, no matter if they are in a "good" orphanage or not nothing can compare than the love of a family. These kids, won't have that chance unless they get adopted.
God commands us to help the widows & the orphans. PRAY, ADVOCATE, ADOPT!!! 
You may think your too young to make a difference but whether your 12, 16, or 21 YOUR NEVER TOO YOUNG TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! 
If I had thought that almost 3 years ago at 18 years old would I be here today asking for your help to raise $21,000? I would have run as fast & as far away as I could possibly run to!
Could I even have pictured myself a blogger & that I could have met all these amazing new friends through a passion I could not even begin to imagine?
God has been so gracious & he is another of the reasons why I care so much about the orphans!
Look what Love can do for many of these orphans! This is me holding Olivia at her homecoming May 2012
And here she is 8 months later
Does she not look like a complete different girl?
How about Misha? Him & I May 2012
Him with Olivia 8 months later on the left (after) & the day they both met their families on the right (before)
All these kids need is a little bit of LOVE & TLC that a family can bring!!!! Now you know why I care why not help so these girls can find forever families!

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