
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stepping out in Faith

Stepping out in Faith is no easy task, but I have done it before which is why I am doing it again. God laid this on my heart for a reason & I feel he is about to do something big & mighty! First of all the day I started the chipin all day it did not work & I believe the devil is trying to stop me somehow. Secondly, just the other day I had set the chipin to end Feb 5th so that people have the whole day of Feb 4th if they wish to donate but somehow it changed to Feb 4th (back to my Birthday). I have kept the end date the same cause I feel like God is going to be doing something big. Maybe reach the goal before my Birthday? Who knows but I felt like God changed it for something so I am going with the plan! I would do it all over again in an instant for these girls. I am having faith & hope that God will provide. Trusting in him that he knows the plans he has for these girls.

My Birthday is now just 19 days away, February 4th. I'm exhausted just merely thinking of that goal & what it's going to take to get my event all organized & planned but again their lives are SO WORTH IT!!! THESE STARFISH MATTER TO ME!!! 
Can I ask you to pray for my event to go as planned & that I can reach my goal?

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